13 Important Questions About Your Website

In honour of today being Friday the 13th, here are 13 important questions you should ask about your website!...
Keep up to date with the latest information and tips about everything Internet with the i4U blog.
In honour of today being Friday the 13th, here are 13 important questions you should ask about your website!...
You have a website for a reason, but is it living up to it's full potential? You may be missing one of these key elements and it may just be affecting your conversion rates....
Support for older versions of Internet Explorer ends today! If you use Internet Explorer and are running an old version of the browser (anything before IE11), it's time to update to ensure you get continued support and security updates....
There's no denying that Wordpress is a popular platform - but is it a good fit or just the defactor standard for those looking to get a site up and running?...
A new Certificate Authority with major business sponsors such as Mozilla and Cisco will be providing free SSL (TLS) certificates to anyone with a domain name. Deployment will be free, and automatic and will be coming in late 2015...
Over the past couple of months we rolled out our new mobile UI for our iLaunch clients. Aside from simplicity our major goal was to ensure our clients would not have to do too much (see: anything) in preparation of the new rollout....
The iLaunch CMS has included a built-in mobile interface for about 18 months, and we think it's already time for a change....
Penguin is the code name of Google's anti-spam algorithm update. Last May 22nd, Google rolled out an improved version of this update called Penguin 2.0...
Cross-browser compatibility is an important but also tedious topic for team i4U. During the website development process, we try to create our sites to be inline with various (and every-changing) web standards...
In honour of today being Friday the 13th, here are 13 important questions you should ask about your website!...
You have a website for a reason, but is it living up to it's full potential? You may be missing one of these key elements and it may just be affecting your conversion rates....